The Wilderness Science Center Study
By Natalie White

Monthly Archives: October 2014

4th Grade Soil Lesson

For the last two days I’ve been working with fourth grade classes with their lesson. Their lesson is over the types of solid. My favorite part of the activity is going outside and dividing the class up to dig soil out of the group. We went outside on the property and explained how to pull the soil out of the ground. Since there is different types of soil the kids got to learn and examine what type of soil they were using with in their experiment. Once the soil is out of the group the kids observe it with their group leaders to decide on what kind of soil they’ve found and we go inside and talk about it.

Educating the Youth

Classes from the Blue Valley Elementary’s Schools come out on field trips the WCS everyday. It is quite a experience for me because there really in an importance of teaching today’s youth about the environment. The kids really benefit from this because they come to understand by examples that taking care of the earth is their job. There are different lessons for every grade that  involves walking around of the property and getting hands on learning. The students always have so much fun and really like being a help to their learning.