The Wilderness Science Center Study
By Natalie White

Monthly Archives: March 2015

March Pictures

IMG_2295 IMG_2312 IMG_2311 IMG_2310 IMG_2304 IMG_2298 IMG_2297 IMG_2296 IMG_2295 IMG_2254 IMG_2193 IMG_2192 IMG_2191 IMG_2190 IMG_2189 IMG_2188 IMG_2187 IMG_2186 IMG_1942 IMG_2185 IMG_1944 IMG_2184 IMG_1943Because of Spring Break there hasn’t been a lot going on that the WSC. Over bring break though I took part in a very exiting activity, the annual prairie burn. The prairie burn consisted of Mr. Spake, volunteers, and I who burned the prairie land in order to make a healthy prairie grow this spring.

4th grade Lesson: Investigating the model

The fourth grade lesson has been my favorite lesson this year. It consist of 3 rotations that I got to engage with 2 of out the 3. In the last post, I added a picture of the model we used. The model was used for the students to observe and learn how to see signs that animals have been in certain places. Usually, animals leave scat or food prints behind, this causes us to have a clue of what kind of animals are close by in our environment. The students can pick up parts of the model as long as the put them back where they found them. I think physically touching and looking at the model gets them excited to engage in the activity.